
Fashion Point: It avoids that the cell will dominate your life

Friday, December 13, 2013

It avoids that the cell will dominate your life

Do you often check your phone when you are busy with other things?
I was thinking about that while he spent a season in a country house in Scotland, where there was no internet access or telephone signal.

I counted the number of times that my hand was going to the Pocket where he usually stays my smart phone. At least once per hour.
The relationship between human and computer researchers call these small checks of personal appliances "microinteracciones", which include rapid revisions of email, social networking, apps, and often don't last more than a few seconds.
And if it is disconcerting that check with the phone a Vice has become, there is a particular irony in my case: during the last few months I have been participating in a project to design a "code of conduct" for the use of mobile phones on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.
The code has seven parts and its objective is to prevent that those who managed to find the time to take a vacation, Miss attending your phone.
However, the proposal can help us all: a few rules of etiquette to our age in which the notion of what is socially acceptable has not incorporated tools that are ubiquitous in our lives.
Behold, then, seven rules to a more intelligent use of phones, designed to avoid the technology to steal us experiences.
1 Talk now, send texts later
Or tuitee then. Or send an email. The list goes on.
The idea is simple: by courtesy of the magic screens that we carry in our pockets or wallets, we can do almost anything online, at any time, at any time.
So do it, without limits that protect our time for recreation and pleasure: dinner or dream, vacation or intimate moments.
Us atiborramos of delight and digital obligations, but we forget to enjoy what's in front of us.
2 Take a day off phone
There is an annoying aspect of this challenge: we should not simply learn to control us?
Each device has a button to turn it off. However, we are peculiarly reluctant to use it.
That trend has to its own acronym: FOMO (translated into Spanish would be map, as it comes from "fear of losing is something") and is the modern version of a fear that has traditionally accompanied the social human, fear to be excluded.
How can our resist continuous doses of dopamine which give us those "likes" on the social networks or see someone retuiteo something?
Our minds have a limited capacity for high-quality decision-making and guard it jealously. As says the author Charles Duhigg in his book "The power of habit", from 2012, "most of the decisions we make every day may seem like a well thought out decision making product, but aren't".
Once we decided to keep our mobile phone on and tucked comfortably in the Pocket, we fall into the automatic. Habits are what us has gotten under the skin and become part of us.
Therefore, break the routine and then get your habits to be more visible. Perhaps the best way is to leave the phone on the nightstand all day, or put it in "airplane mode" and enjoy a few happy hours offline.
Or, may require a more extreme method, such as that employs the author Evgeny Morozov, who routinely blocks your digital devices by inserting them into a strong box with a timer.
3. Avoid being a "buscatodo"
In other words, renounce the maps, search engines and web sites of recommendations of both and, and surrender to chance, the unexpected.
If you need to use your phone to explore their environment, use one of the several applications that encourage to make accidental discoveries. Connect your destination to the application "Serendipitor", for example, that will give you instructions to make you go wandering instead of running the place, or even suggestions as "follow the car ahead".
Imagine the number of conversations and encounters never would have happened if each question would have been answered by a person looking at a private screen.
A little lost and spin - both literally and metaphorically - is the perfect way to find new questions that didn't even know that I wanted to ask.
4 Neither elbows nor phones on the table!
Let's talk about the "phubbing": offend others by ignoring them, by paying attention to your mobile phone.
The word has caught the attention of the world thanks to the growing desire to counteract the social consequences of the indiscriminate technological immersion.
Nowhere the discourtesy of the phubbing is more marked than at the table, where probably the idea of good manners. If there is a difference between eating and just eat lime

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